Question Time: Grown Ups Need Not Apply


We like to think we're a pretty informed bunch at Marmalade but there's nothing like hearing the uncensored, authentically honest views of a 9-year-old to make you question your take on the world or give you a different perspective!

Today we're talking to Megan about what keeps her up at night, the future of technology and what would make the world just a little bit better.

Take it away Megan!

1.What keeps you up at night?

Nightmares, or if i'm hot.

2. What do you want to accomplish in the next 12 months and why?

I want to complete my piano exam and I want to get a distinction for my ballet and tap exams.

3. You’re a castaway on a desert island. You can take 1 track, 1 book and 1 luxury item with you - what would they be?

I would take the song Shotgun, by George Ezra, my teddy and I would take an unread Holly Webb book.

4. What one item could you not live without and why?

I couldn't live without my teddy because I sleep with him and hug him and he's lovely.

5. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Watch TV, read books or play games.

6. What do you think your life will look like in 20 years’ time?

I will be older and taller and might be living in my own house.

7. How do you think technology is going to shape the way we live in the future?

We will make electric cars that can fly, and talking robots that can do all our homework for us!

8. What do you think would make the world a better place?

A giant chocolate volcano that erupts every minute and everyone has giant swimming pools in their back garden, and the cats and pets have one too.

9. What's the best thing about being a child?

You're small, so you can hide in the best places for hide and seek.

10. How do you unwind or relax?

I read my book or watch TV.

11. Who is your inspiration and why?

My family, because they are all kind.

12. Now that you're a little bit older and wiser, what advice would you give to your younger self?

Don't pee pee on the floor!

13. If you had the attention of the world for just 10 seconds, what would you say?

Every one make me my own chocolate fountain now, make it warm and giant!

13. In 2020, what do you think we will see happening in the world we live in?

We will see fireworks, aeroplanes, my birthday!

14. What are five words you would use to describe last year and five words you want to describe 2020?

Last year would be: Happy, long, interesting, joy and rainbows.

2020 would be: Exciting, wonderful, crazy, bonkers!

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